Saturday, November 2, 2013

Burning Bush, Burning Laptop- Picture of the Day

Yesterday I was on Facebook and someone took a picture of a burning bush that was in their yard. It was very pretty. I recalled that we have a burning bush in our yard. Usually, there is a freeze and we don't have opportunity to see the color show up on this little bush so I sometimes forget we even have one. The poor little bush is ragged and sad, but it did have some color. I feel kinda sorry for it. It wants to be pretty, but it just isn't a beautiful, full bush like the one pictured on Facebook. I love it anyway. It reminds me of me. I try hard and have a flash of color once in awhile. People just have to look for it.
Yesterday was also day one of the November writing challenge. I have to say that the laptop was burning with words. 4332 words flew onto the page. It was a true blessing from God. Starting a new book is always a little scary. I worry that the story won't capture the reader and keep their interest. I want each book to be unique even though some of the elements are common to the books in a series. Onward, as the challenge to write 50,000 words in a month continues.

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