Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Part 4 of The Hallmark Christmas Movie Version of Life with Terry and Elaine

The Reality Show version:
Terry: Babe, did you see the lights?
Elaine: Nope, just laying on the couch all day...again.
Terry: Are you STILL sick?
Elaine: Yep. Did the lights look good when you drove in from work?
Terry: You didn't turn them on. Why didn't you turn them on?
Elaine: I was just laying on the couch all day...again.
Terry: I will heat up the hamburger helper I made yesterday. Do you want any?
Elaine: I think I will eat some toast. Tummy not good.
Terry: Maybe you will drop some weight with this sickness. There's got to be something good come from it. (He didn't exactly saaaaayyyy that, but that is what I heard.)
Elaine: Maybe.
Terry goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth.
Elaine: Want to go outside to see the lights with me?
Terry: Go ahead, I'm busy.
Elaine goes out and takes pictures of the lights and tries to get pictures of the really big stars shining so bright.

The Hallmark Movie Version:
Terry: Darling, so sorry to see you are still suffering from the crud. (I know that ain't a Hallmark word, but...oh well)
Elaine: I think I shall perish if this lasts much longer.
Terry: Did the elves show up to clean and decorate today?
Elaine: Yes, thank you and they even made dinner for you.
Terry: Aren't you going to eat?
Elaine: I think I can eat a morsel of bread.
Terry: My dearest! You haven't even seen the house lights outside. Let me take you into my arms and carry you outside to see. The stars are marvelous tonight. (Remember, this is my imagination...I weigh 120 pounds in this dream. Don't laugh.)
Terry gathers Elaine into his big strong arms. (It could happen.)
Terry: My, but you have lost weight! You are as light as a feather.
Elaine: The house looks beautiful! You did a wonderful job.

These are the cedar bushes we almost lost this year.

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