Sunday, December 1, 2013

Terry and I if we were a Hallmark Christmas Movie

 I don't know exactly how this will play out because this was a dream I kept havng last night. I dreamed that I wrote these blog posts about a Hallmark Christimas Movie being about us. Mind you, I have been watching all those movies for days and my mind is warped. (Well ...more than usual :)
The movie opens at Almosta Ponderosa Ranch with Elaine sitting in her big chair writing a book on her laptop. (excting huh?) Terry come barreling down the road to the house in his 18 wheeler. Upon finishing his post trip inspection, he comes into the house and hands me the junk mail. I barely look up from the screen of the laptop.
WAIT that's not a movie, that is what usually happens. Lets start over.
The movie opens at Almosta....Elaine is all fixed up in a cute and crisp outfit...she is slim and energetic. She runs to the door and greets her handsome, clean husband at the door with a big kiss. He gives her a stack of book orders and checks from the mailbox. They sit and disuss the upcoming books that she is writing.
The Restless Kansas Wind... who will the girl choose? How do we make the reader care? Terry is full of ideas as he hands Elaine a tall glass of iced lemon water...
"Darling, you are so clever!" Elaine exclaims.
"Why don't you have the Christmas decorations up yet?" Terry asks.
"I don't know...I just don't feel it this year."
"I will spend the rest of the month or however long it takes to ignite the Christmas spirit in your heart."
"You sound like a Hallmark movie!"
"Yes, darling, and in the end...alls well that ends well."
HMMMM now thats a lame idea! lol

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