Friday, February 7, 2014

Mother-in-law Challenge

I never set out to be one of those Mother-in-laws who took over and cleaned the house while the kids are gone, but things happen when caring for a two-year-old. This morning Eli brought me a little cup with a little bit of water from the spout on the fridge. I thanked him and he grinned and was very proud of himself.

I heard a suspicious sound coming from the kitchen. He had the dustpan pressed against the spigot and water was flowing on the linoleum over a five foot area. I hurriedly took the dustpan from the chubby little fingers and he ran out of the room crying. Then, I found the Swiffer mop and began mopping up the water.

I mopped the whole kitchen and breakfast nook because there was absolutely so much water to spread out. There is no condemnation as to my sweet daughter-in-law's cleanliness, it's just that when you have that much water to mop up, you mop everything until it is sopped up.

I heard a noise in the master bedroom and ran to check on it. Eli had the pump hand soap and was rubbing his hands together. UK OH....Now I had to chase him all the way to the kitchen. The floor is wet. We slipped and I caught him. I got his hands rinsed off and dried. I ran to the master bedroom and locked that door. Now I know why Maci locks her door when she goes to school. lol

Then I went into the living room and there were orange cracker crumbs all over from the little peanut butter cracker snacks he just had. So we got out the vacuum and got those up. Well, since the vac was out, I finished the rest. As I was doing this I thought of all the times I left my mom with the kiddos and upon returning found the house and her such a wreck, that I wished I had never taken a 'break'. I remember thinking that it would be so nice to have a 'cleaning fairy' show up while I was gone to catch me up.

After watching the kiddos for a few days I understand why we have our children while we are young. I love, love this time with them. I am blessed to be with them and watch them grow. It makes me happy that I can attempt to be a blessing to my son and his sweet wife. I want to do this over and over. I think it is a good thing for a young couple to be able to leave for a few days and come home to their happy children and a clean house. (as clean as it was when they left) Meme has to keep on her toes to make this happen, but I think I am up for it. lol I'll let you know.

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