Friday, November 1, 2013

Terry in his new uniform at 5:30 A.M. Nov 1- Pictures of the Day

This is Terry putting on his boots. See that little toolbox next to the back stairs? That is where I hide them when I wake up in time to see him off for work. I know, great hiding place, huh!

Terry wasn't really in a mood to pose for me. lol. He has new uniforms and he doesn't like the color. Give him a choice of khaki and blue and he will choose blue every time. I used to have a Ken doll to go with my Barbie that had this same outfit. I had to tease him about that. I am amazed at how he has kept his nice physique all these years.
5:30 is pretty early for me, but I wanted to get started today on the 50,000 word writing challenge. I have been excited about getting started for weeks, but now that the time has is hard to jump in. At midnight, I did write 143 words before I cratered and went to bed. I have to get off of here and type my fingers off today and try to bank in a few thousand extra words to save the challenge when the month becomes more hectic. I would appreciate your prayers. It is important that I don't just write fluff. I want it to be something the reader can sink their teeth into.

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