Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Neck Deep

I'm in the middle of week 2 of the National Novel Writing Challenge. The first week went by at a pretty good clip. This second week has been...well...let me say more of an uphill climb.

Yesterday I did reach the set daily goal, but I did basically two days in one. I slacked off on Monday because the Hubs was home and we worked on things like determining which Christmas lights to put on the big treehouse. (Very important stuff, right?)

To get caught up on the challenge required writing close to 3500 words. This isn't difficult in the beginning pages of a rough draft, but after you are in the weeds??? Let's say, it was sort of like dental work. (and you KNOW I am well acquainted with dental work this year.)

"Slogging through" isn't a pretty phrase, but it is as good as any, I suppose. Let's say I'm really glad this is a rough draft! Yesterday I reached 20,025 words. Today, the goal is 21,671. That is completely doable...that is...if I can get my brain in gear. Keep your fingers crossed!

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