Tuesday, December 3, 2019

2019's  Version of Terry and Elaine in Real vs the Hallmark Movie Version
Part 1

Dec 3, 2019- Elaine finally sits down to look at Facebook. Terry  enters at an unusually early time. He is jubilant.
"Hey Baaabe."
"Hey, you got home early."
"We can get started on doing more decorations outside."
"Okay, but isn't it kinda cold out there?"
He doesn't seem to hear her.
"I'll get the ladder and we can make a candy cane out of the bird sanctuary pole."
"Okay. I think I'm going to wait in here a little bit while you set up."
"Okay Lainey girl."
She looks for responses on messenger for updated addresses for the Christmas letter she has worked on for about 4 hours. She is caught up...just lacks 2 more addresses..."Good"
Because she is so fortunate with the addresses acquired, she feels guilty about staying inside.
She finds Terry on the top of the ladder that is leaned against a very tall spindle. "Everything going all right?"
"Yep. Can you get me those two extension chords laying in the bushes next to the front deck?"
"There are no bushes next to the front deck."
"Well...whatever those things are next to the front deck."
"I don't know what you are talking about." she says.
"Those things that grow like crazy!"
"Flowers?" she asks
"There dead."
"Oh...THOSE flowers. I'll get them."
I know he is thinking I am pretty dense at this point. I return post haste and hand them to him. 
"Can you get the red tape lights next to the pole light?"
"Ok." She gets the lights and starts for the house.
"Can you also get me the white rope light next to the pole light?"
She wonders why he didn't tell her when she got the red ones. (The pole light is almost a block away from where they are working...maybe half a block...maybe...oh well... It is a long ways.)
By the time she gets back from the far reaches of the universe with the white lights, he has the red lights already installed. 
"That's wonderful!" she says.
"Now can you find the end of the extension chord and hook things up for me?"
"There's only one plug thingy on the end." she says.
"Go find the ones you had earlier."
"Me? You're the 'light guy'!"
"You put things away."
"Right." She goes to look in the laundry room. 
He joins her and finds what he wants.
She tells him she's on her last legs and he agrees that she is okay to stay inside. 
He comes in after assessing the light situation. "We have plenty of time to get more done tomorrow."
"Oh...great..." she says.
(I'm still in my coat getting warm while I write this. I am amazed that Terry is so excited about Christmas decorations this decade. Earlier decades...not so much. It is kinda fun.)

Face it, The Hallmark version is a lie. I saw one show where the guy slipped out after dinner while the kid and lady were doing dishes or making cookies. He managed to put up lights around the entire house, windows, bushes, trees along with all other kinds of decorations. He did it in one hour!!! I need that kind of elf. lol 

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