Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas Reality vs Hallmark Movie Version 2019 Part 2

This picture is a painting Eli, our youngest grandson, did in Kindergarten. Rudy looks like I feel when the hubs and I have some of our conversations.
We talk about the most random things. I will give you an example or two for this reality check.

I placed a basket of pinecones in an area under our table. (I know that sounds strange, but it is a sort of shelf in the very middle of the pedestal table.) Later in the evening I found it under the Christmas tree that is in the dining room.
Me, "You moved the pinecones?"
Terry, "I couldn't take it!"
Me, "Really? Why?"
Terry, "I put my feet on that shelf. In fact, I get a little messed up when I go to put my feet there and someone else at the table has beat me to it."
Me, "Interesting."
I moved the pinecones to the hearth. I don't want to mess with the hubs when he has such strong feelings.

This morning we were talking about one of his Daniel and Terry episodes. This is how that went. We were talking about dugout houses and houses that are mostly basements that only about a foot of the walls show and the roof on top. (I know...exciting stuff.) Well, I had some distant cousins in Kansas I think, who had a house like that. It was pretty nice.

We talked about ways they'd keep water out in the event of rain or snow...stuff like that. He then told me his "Terry and Daniel story."

Terry and Daniel were exploring one day and came upon a cellar. Of course, being the boys that they are, they can't let a cellar go unexplored...Sooooo Terry starts down the steps. He hears a hiss.

He stops, sure that there must be a bunch of rattlesnakes down there. HE HAS TO SEE!!!! So...
He goes to the pickup truck and gets a flashlight. They start down the stairs again and hear the hiss.

He shines the light and two huge eyes reflect in the light!

It is a ...BIG WHITE OWL!!! and it is going crazy...getting mad. Terry and Daniel retreat because they want nothing to do with that owl. Terry thinks the owl may have had some hatchlings in there. They didn't want a mad mama owl on their hands.

Daniel just laughs at Terry when they reflect on that story.

The Hallmark version...not sure they would write a movie about either of these topics. We just don't have the romance in these stories today...maybe tomorrow.

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