Saturday, January 25, 2020

The idea for the title for this book came to me by accident. Walk Slowly Through the Dark seemed to fit the story well. While most of us don't have to navigate life in the perils of the characters of this book, sometimes it feels like we are in the dark bumping into furniture on our way to the refrigerator for a midnight snack. Our big toe seems to always find that one leg of that one chair that isn't supposed to be there.

Back to how this title occurred to me. My granddaughter, Sierra, and her brothers, Devon and Zach, were in Texas with us for an extended visit one summer years ago. We were visiting my sister, Geraldine, at her home with her husband, Bob, and son, Paul. Paul had asked the boys to run a short errand for him. They had to cross the quiet street to a small store to get something for him. When they returned, he paid them a dollar each.

Upon seeing this, Sierra wanted to get in on the money train she saw before her. She hurriedly produced a glass of water for Cousin Paul. He took it and she held out her hand for payment. Now, Cousin Paul has always been one to tease...just a bit. So he asked her what she wanted. She told him something about being rewarded for bringing him water. He told her some quote about walking slowly through the dark. She was pretty young at the time. I'm thinking around 6 years old. So she took the glass of water, went back to the sink, and proceeded to walk very slowly back to him. If memory serves, he gave her a quarter. She shrugged because it was better than nothing.

Days after this occurred and I was finishing the first draft of this book, I was contemplating what the title should be. That phrase came to mind and it fit perfectly with the struggles of almost every character in the story. It is still one of my favorite titles. I believe it is also a very good story. I hope you agree.

Today. 1/25/2020, the Kindle version is free through Amazon. The easiest way to find it is to log in to Amazon and do a search for Elaine Littau. All of my books (plus a few titles by other authors) will pop up. You will see  the cover of Walk Slowly Through the Dark. Click on it and it will take you to the book page. Then you click on purchase the Kindle version and you are done.

Thank you for reading my musings today.

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